Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bronchitis is a B-...stupid. If anyone was wonder where Special Edition Soaps went for the past 2 weeks, we've been sadly stuck on the couch, catching up on Netflix.

Anyhow, through all the sickness, SES had their very first Wedding order! I don't know the couple, but I do know they met playing DnD. So, naturally, I was super excited to make this for them!

The card was a little something I made. This is a great example of perfect gift packaging- This will fit ANY 4 soaps, or up to 12 of our small hand soaps!

Thursday, March 12, 2015


I repeat, Special Edition Soaps is going to be at C2E2!
I still can't decide what makes me happier as a Nerd; the fact that we will have space at this convention or that Kaylee (Firefly), Jason Mewes, Gimlee AND Kevin Smith will be there!

There are some amazing people who are attending this year. You can check out the full list on the conventions website at:!

Closer to the convention, I will be posting something about special deals we will have at C2E2. Keep an eye out! 

So, come visit us, the convention, and guess what Cosplay outfits I have in store!

New Soap Designs #1 for C2E2:

 *We may not be able to offer you the best Zombie Survival plan, but we will keep you smelling great while you face the oncoming horde of brain-thirsty zombies!

Hello fellow fangirls, gamers, soap enthusiasts and more! 

The first entry of every blog can seem a bit drab, can't it? 

Well, here's to keeping it short for now.

This blog will be here for 3 reasons:

1: To keep everyone up to date on the latest news from Special Edition Soaps.
2: To post new designs I've created in my lil' soap making mind.
3: To have a place for me to "fan-girl" from time to time.

So here goes!

Check out our new and improved website!